
We strive to do things differently with a more social purpose.

Charitable Donations

100% of surplus fees generated are donated to charities, support social value projects, or are reinvested directly into the public sector. We believe that as an organisation we should give back as much as possible, in as many ways as possible. Making decisions and choices with our members and supply chain about where our funds go signifies the importance, we place on giving back.

To guarantee social responsibility and ensure the framework has a positive impact on both the local communities and wider society, each supplier will award at least 85% of the total project value to local supply chain and SMEs. Whilst also ensuring social return on investment, job creation, fair payment and modern slavery training provided for staff on each project. 

100% of payments from Robertson, Willmott Dixon and Farrans to sub-contractors will be made within 19 days and at least 85% of project value will be awarded to local supply chains and SMEs as well as up to 8 jobs created per £5m of project value.

Projects in Scotland will generate up to £6,250 per £5million project value, projects in England and Wales will generate up to £5,000 per £5million project value and projects in Northern Ireland will generate up to £7,500 per £5million project value. This allows for a significant donation to charity each year through all contractors.* A minimum of 29% social return on investment will be generated from this framework.

Modern Slavery

We’ve partnered with Unseen to help tackle Modern Slavery with MPF2. The awarded contractors have been mandated to ensure their key staff on every project attend specific and targeted training, written by Unseen especially for this framework.

Unseen is a UK charity with its head office in Bristol. Providing safehouses and support in the community for survivors of trafficking and modern slavery. Working with individuals, communities, businesses, governments,
other charities, and statutory agencies to stamp out slavery for good. They also run the UK Modern Slavery
and Exploitation Helpline (08000 121 700) which is free, confidential and independent.

*Includes charitable donation from Procurement Hub fees.