
Altnagelvin Acute Hospital — North Wing

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Farrans has completed work on the new main entrance block and North Ward block wing accommodation at Altnagelvin Acute Hospital for Western Health and Social Care Trust.

The entrance includes a three-storey entrance foyer, reception desk, café, shop, lift lobby and stairs, hospital administration offices and public toilets. The new main entrance now acts as the main entrance and is connected to the North Ward wing, existing tower block and the rest of the hospital by a new hospital street.

The ward block accommodation comprises 6 new departments with a total of 144 adult single bedrooms, isolation wards, a renal dialysis suite, basement plant rooms and service tunnels. The new main entrance block now acts as the main entrance to Altnagelvin Acute Hospital. This is connected to the North Ward wing, the existing tower block and the rest of the hospital by a new hospital street. The entrance block includes; a three-storey entrance foyer, reception desk, café, shop, lift lobby and stairs, hospital administration offices and public toilets.

Working in partnership with the Trust’s design team, Farrans developed proposals during the contractor mobilisation period where they identified cost savings and several added value opportunities. As with all construction projects on existing acute hospital sites, the management of dust, noise and vibration were key challenges to the project.

Farrans collaborated with the Trust’s Estates Dept and Infection Control team to develop an Infection Control Risk Assessment which set out the potential hazards and agreed to control measures.

Farrans invest in the local communities in which they operate. During this project they provided:
• 1516 weeks of paid employment opportunities
• 58 Weeks Work Experience Opportunities
• 12 Trials for Work

Their Community Business Partners worked closely with local schools, colleges and training organisations to deliver STEM and career workshops.
• Careers in Construction Workshops: 470 individuals
• Site Visits: 127 individuals
• Farrans Safety Sam Workshops: 1,400 school children
• Employability Skills Workshop: 100 individuals

This project received the following awards

  • 2019 - Considerate Constructors Scheme Gold Award
  • 2019 - Arts & Business Cultural Social Responsibility Award
  • 2020 - NI Gold Go Excellence Award and Gold Buy Social Clauses

Farrans are experts at delivering exciting building and civil engineering projects.

Although this project was not procured through the Major Projects framework, it is testament to the exceptional standard of work Farrans provide.