
A Sustainable Hub for Modern Policing

Aberganvenny Police Station Mid Cropped
The Gwent Police faced the challenge of needing a new, modern base for their neighbourhood policing and response teams in Abergavenny, Wales.
The previous station had closed in 2019, leaving a gap in community policing. Additionally, the new station needed to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. 

Using our Major Projects Framework 2 (MPF2), Gwent Police partnered with Willmott Dixon and Stride Treglown to deliver a state of the art police station that met all their requirements.

The Abergavenny Police Station boasts a new modern workplace including improved interview rooms, office/meeting spaces and dedicated rooms for first aid and wellbeing. A gym has also been integrated with excellent facilities for officers from changing rooms, showers and lockers to secure vehicle parking.

This project exemplifies how sustainable practices can be seamlessly integrated into public sector building projects by installing a roof full of photovoltaic (PV) panels with battery storage generates a significant portion of the station's energy needs. The building is now powered by 41.6% self sufficient energy and avoids a staggering 8,747kg of CO2 emissions annually to reduce carbon footprint.

Biodiversity enhancements have also been included with bird boxes, bat boxes, bug hotels, and native hedgerows to create a welcoming habitat for wildlife.

These enhancements consequently resulted in the station achieving a BREEAM Excellent rating hanks to its impressive green credentials.

This project wasn't just about bricks and mortar. The framework facilitated collaboration that delivered social value through STEM workshops, career events and creating jobs locally. Gwent Police partnered with Willmott Dixon to inspire future generations about careers in construction and policing. Jobs fairs with Gwent Police and ITS Recruitment helped connect unemployed individuals with employment opportunities.

The Abergavenny Police Station project showcases the effectiveness of MPF2 for public sector organisations. Our framework streamlines the process by offering simplified procurement using pre approved suppliers and standardised processes, saving time and resources. It encourages collaboration between our members and suppliers and fosters innovation such as social value initiatives undertaken in this project. Early engagement allows a focus on best value by prioritising value for money throughout the project lifecycle. 

"This is another example of the diversity of projects that can be delivered through MPF2. Working with Willmott Dixon and Gwent police we have produced one of the greenest buildings in the Gwent police estate" - Andrew Peck, Senior Client Relationship Manager, Procurement Hub.

The Abergavenny Police Station showcases how the MPF2 framework can deliver sustainable, high quality public sector buildings while creating positive social impact. 

Is your public sector organisation considering a new build? Learn how the MPF2 procurement framework can help you achieve your project goals, click here.