
What is Responsible Procurement?

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Responsible procurement is a term being heard more and more often, as the UK procurement sector continues to evolve. 

No longer is it enough for buyers to base procurement decisions purely on factors such as cost. There are multiple elements involved in responsible procurement, which we’ll explore in this article, along with a checklist to help you transform your own organisation’s strategy.

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What is a responsible procurement policy?

There is no universal definition of responsible procurement, but in general, it is considered to be a procurement process that takes into account the environmental, ethical, economic and social impact of the project, suppliers and the entire supply chain when assessing and awarding contracts. 

For a public sector procurement project, for example, responsible procurement could take into account factors such as:

  • How to improve the cost efficiency of the outcomes

  • How to improve the quality and longevity of the outcomes

  • How to achieve added social value to the local community and economy

  • How to minimise the negative impact on the environment throughout the supply chain

  • How to ensure ethical values are upheld.

A responsible procurement policy is a documented framework that the organisation can use for every procurement project, to ensure that the process takes all of these important elements into account when assessing suppliers and awarding contracts. 

Why is responsible procurement important?

In public procurement, where public money is being used to deliver projects or services that affect many people’s lives, the procurement decisions made can have significant socio-economic and environmental implications locally, nationally and even globally. The public body responsible for making these procurement decisions has a responsibility to ensure that the funds are used in a way that is sustainable, benefits people, the environment, innovation and avoids unnecessary spending and unethical practices. This responsibility doesn’t end with the primary suppliers, it extends throughout the partner supply chain. 

Part of the way in which the UK government is transforming public procurement through the Procurement Act 2023 (much of which came into force in February 2025), aims to ensure greater transparency and accountability for the public money being spent. This means that every public procurement process needs to be carried out responsibly.

Get started with our socially responsible procurement checklist

We’ve compiled a list of steps that buyers can incorporate into their responsible procurement policy to help facilitate this.

Ask suppliers specific questions early in the tender process

It’s important that suppliers and their own partners, right the way down the supply chain, are able to evidence how their goods or services meet your responsible procurement criteria. Asking questions before tenders are submitted helps to save time and effort on all sides as only those suppliers who can provide the necessary information can be considered. 

The questions asked will vary, depending on the type of project and many variables, but could include things such as:

  • Does the supplier have any recognised sustainability accreditations?

  • What is the supplier’s Net Zero status or plan?

  • Can the supply chain be evidenced in terms of carbon footprint and any offsetting measures utilised?

  • Do all stages of the supply chain meet recognised standards for working conditions, safety and other ethical concerns?

Evaluate if all purchases are necessary

Depending on the type of project involved, there could potentially be solutions that involve reusing surplus supplies from other projects or adapting services that already exist, as long as all necessary standards are met. This can help save money as well as reduce the negative impact on the environment of making purchases that are not needed. 

Cutting down on unnecessary purchases and waste during the project is one way to contribute to a more responsible procurement strategy and learnings can be taken forward to future processes too.

Evaluate the travel distances for products and services being procured

Keeping things as local as possible has benefits from an environmental point of view but also helps invest in the local economy and adds social value for the project as a whole. 

Building and maintaining strong supplier relationships in the same communities where the project is being delivered is another way to benefit the local area for future generations too.

Factor in the whole life cycle of goods and services

Responsible procurement doesn’t just take into account the initial cost outlay and environmental impact of goods and services, it also needs to factor in elements such as maintenance needs, longevity, what happens at the end of the lifecycle and any ongoing costs. Effective asset management is one area that needs to be considered during the procurement process. 

How we can help with your responsible procurement strategy

Procurement Hub is part of Places for People, the largest social enterprise in the UK, which means we have a deep understanding of the many facets to responsible procurement and looking at the bigger picture. 

Many public bodies want to transform their procurement policies and processes, but this can be a challenge in such a demanding sector, with time and resource constraints. That’s where Procurement Hub come in. 

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